Lost Logs:

this page is for old conversation transcripts, extra details about something, or just little information pieces i have that don't really fit into a full blog post. they'll be in no particular order :3

the reunion (Fallen Angel)

"Angel, this is ambie. She helped me find you."

"mm..? ah-"

"hey, dont push yourself; it's nice to finally get to meet you. i've heard a lot"

"sh- she was.. in there too."

"Yes, we got you out of there together. We can go over everything some other time. Are you okay? Do you need anything?

"....im ok.

"so many.. songs. its so.. happy."

"vala told me alllll about how much you'd love the grandfest a million times over"


"alright, alright. im just glad you could make it. there's still time to catch a couple more performances of three wishes if you two would like? cmon, i can sneak you in. i think the security guy fell asleep standing or somethin"


"you won't have to be in the crowd, don't worry. you'll be on the dunes behind the venue."

"...can we?"

"Lead the way, ambie."

"once you're out there im gonna sneak back in, my friends are wondering where i went.

"have fun you two!"

Colourful Evenings (Grandfest)

"How's the concert?"

"oh vala its so good, theres so many people here. very very noisy but its so cool."

"I'm glad you're enjoying it."

"you should come down! even if just to hang outside the venue and listen to the music."

"Do you think a mech sitting and watching everything wouldn't raise some concerns?"

"nah you're good, everyones too enthralled by the idols. besides, i think i saw another mech parked out on the bus ride in."

"tell me when you get here, i'll bring you some ramen :3"

"Angel would've loved this."

"then i'll make sure to take lots of pictures and videos for her, let me get one of us together too :3"

"which team would she have chosen?

"She loves Off The Hook, and she always tried to live in the moment, away from our past and without a worry for the future. So team present.

"and you?"

"I haven't put much thought into it. The past has been nothing but cruel, the present isn't great, and it's hard to be hopeful for the future. I guess what's most important is securing the future, in any way possible.

"yeah, im with you."

"hey, if you feel up for it i could introduce you to my friends? im sure they'd love to meet you"

"Maybe another time."

"okay, no pressure.

"i got a bus to catch back into town, they're waiting for me. message if you need anything!"

The Allmother (Titan's Rest)

"so, how did all this scrap get here? i mean, it covers EVERYTHING."

"It's from the Allmother - the big dome on the back of the island."

"like, its spilling out?"

"More like making it. Me and Angel explored the inside and, if a giant robot could be a ghost, that's what the Allmother is."

"in what way?"

"Well, it's offline. Dead. Someone grabbed the CPU from the core and a lot of the memory too, judging by the room it must've been huge. But the, I guess reproduction part - the factory - keeps pumping out things."

"wait, how? and why aren't there a bunch of little robots running around then?"

"The brain might be gone but the factory remembers - kinda. It's like muscle memory, the circuits remember how to make but not perfectly what to make. So they just... make."

"and it never makes a working robot.


"...what about all the ship hulls on the beaches?"

"Before you assume. No, it wasn't me."